Innovations in Virtual Learning

by Dr. Kevin Smith and Dr. Timothy Churchill, SATS

Innovations in Virtual Learning Part 1 – WHY YOU SHOULD EMBRACE OTDE 

ODE is set to become the dominant mode of theological training worldwide because it is as effective and more efficient than contact education. Even when it comes to spiritual and ministerial formation, keeping students in their primary community (church) often outweighs the impact of their secondary community (seminary). This calls seminaries to accept and adapt.

Part One Audio only:

Innovations in Virtual Learning Part 2 – HOW TO START WITH OTDE 

For African institutions, the foreign sales pitch about what going online should look like often puts it out of reach. The key ingredients for producing effective distance learning are great content, challenging assignments, and a context for integration and application. You can begin with simple, accessible technologies and gradually introduce new technologies as the institution and its students have access. 

Part Two Audio only:

Innovations in Virtual Learning Part 3 – NEXIS

Dr. Timothy Churchill demonstrates a set of tools that may provide a viable way for theological schools to move their operations online. Nexis Academic provides a student information system that integrates with Canvas and Moodle and hopes to offer a cost-efficient way for theological institutions to move online.

Part Three Audio only:

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