Innovations, Pedagogy and Curricula

By Prasad D R J Phillips – MA, MTh, PhD. Director, The Shepherd’s Academy, OCRPL, Coordinator, GILD UK

This presentation continues my exploration towards transformative theological education which began last year during the beginning of the pandemic. In the presentation, I first provide a pedagogical landscape for the theological education that exists today and then move towards alternate pedagogical methods emerging from the Global South. After this, the presentation moves to highlighting four areas where innovations in curricula and pedagogy can be initiated and explored in theological programmes – Design, Delivery, Assessments and Research. However, in doing so, it is suggested that this process has to be kept in critical tension. While one can be innovative, one needs to engage for change t an integrated pedagogical approach by advocating for theological education that is transformative, innovative, liberative, and collective for the Church. This is to be done for the sake of its ministry and missions in both a local and global context.

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